Home / Shop / Animal Health Product Range / CAI-PAN Mint Udder Cream 35% – 250ML *NEW*

CAI-PAN Mint Udder Cream 35% – 250ML *NEW*


CAI-PAN®mint Udder Cream- The Best Maintenance for the Udder!

CAI-PAN®mint Udder Cream is an organic, antibiotic-free, all natural herbal product. The active ingredient is pure CAI-PAN® Japanese peppermint oil, well known for its outstanding quality and purity. CAI-PAN®mint clears and soothes the udder skin.

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CAI-PAN Mint Udder Cream- The Original and Best since 1981

CAI-PAN®mint udder cream has been used by customers all around the world for 30 years. Ingredients include pure Japanese CAI-PAN® peppermint oil and nourishing substances. The delicate and stressed skin of the udder is cleansed and soothed by the refreshing essence of mint. Rub in CAI-PAN®mint Udder Cream thoroughly and regularly for intense udder care.

Additional information

Weight .565 kg